The Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences has affiliations with some organizations.
The Academy has representation on the boards and councils of the following institutions:
1. Christian Baeta Memorial Fund for Literature Committee
2. Public Records and Archives Administration (PRAAD)
3. Public Interest and Accountability Committee
4. Public Records and Archives Administration Department
5. National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE)
6. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
7. Medical and Dental Council
8. Architects Registration Council
9. Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons
10. UNESCO – Ghana
11. National Biosafety Committee
GAAS is also affiliated to the following international bodies:
1. International Council of Science
2. Commonwealth Science Academies
3. InterAcademy Partnership
4. African Academy of Science
5. The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)
6. Network of African Science Academies (NASAC)
7. European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
Network of African Science Academies
NASAC is a consortium of merit-based science academies in Africa and aspires to make the “voice of science” heard by policy and decision makers within Africa and worldwide. NASAC is dedicated to enhancing the capacity of existing national science academies and champions in the cause for creation of new academies where none exist. As at December 2016, NASAC comprised of twenty four members.
The International Council for Science
ICSU is a non-governmental organisation with a global membership of national scientific bodies (122 Members, representing 142 countries) and International Scientific Unions (31 Members). ICSU’s mission is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society.
Network of African Science Academies
NASAC is a consortium of merit-based science academies in Africa and aspires to make the “voice of science” heard by policy and decision makers within Africa and worldwide. NASAC is dedicated to enhancing the capacity of existing national science academies and champions in the cause for creation of new academies where none exist. As at December 2016, NASAC comprised of twenty four members.
The Inter-Academy Partnership on Science, Research and Health – IAP
IAP is the global network of science academies.
Annual Meeting of African Science Academies (AMASA)
The annual meeting of African science academies provides a forum for science academies on the continent and other distinguished experts to discuss how Africa can control its own destiny by taking greater ownership of the continent’s development agenda.
African Academy of Science
The AAS is a pan African organisation headquartered in Kenya, which aims to drive sustainable development in Africa through science technology and innovation. It has a tripartite mandate of pursuing excellence by recognising scholars and achievers; providing advisory and think tank functions for shaping the continent’s strategies and policies; and implementing key science, technology and innovation programmes.